
While the Armstrong Building at Newcastle University is being refurbished, rehearsals are currently held every two weeks in the church hall of St. James and St. Basils in Fenham, NE4 9EJ.   We meet from 7.15pm in order to start at 7.30pm, and usually play through until 9.30pm.

A map and directions are avaliable here: 

Yes, there's ample free parking in the streets around the Chuch Hall


A guitar orchestra is made up of several 'standard' classical guitars,  plus a number of specialised instruments that extend the range of the orchestra both upwards and downwards.  We currently have the following specialised guitars:

A requinto guitar (tuned a fourth higher than standard)

A contrabass guitar (tuned an octave lower)

Everyone is most welcome, but you do need a classical guitar (nylon strings), and the ability to sight-read a simple line of music.  Don't worry if you think you're sight-reading isn't very good, this is a great way to learn!

No, anyone is welome to join.  The parts have varying degrees of difficulty from Grade 2 up to Grade 8 and beyond, so you should be able to find a part to suit your standard of playing.

We normally meet every other Wednesday evening, in the King's Hall at Newcastle University (6.45pm to start playing at 7pm).

There is an annual subscription of £50 (students £20).  This allows us to raise money for instruments and for music.  The first session is free.